
Zuschnitte sind Sonderanfertigungen und somit vom Umtausch bzw. von der Rückgabe ausgeschlossen.
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Zuschnittübersicht Simonis

Übersicht Bedarf Billardtuch

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Bestellmenge mit Dezimaleingabe vornehmen.

SIMONIS™ cloth provides superior accuracy and consistency and this is what you want on your table. It is the perfect choice for your Billiard hall or Home table. 

SIMONIS™ cloth is very different from the fuzzy "felt" that is still used in the industry. The cloth is woven and precisely sheared to avoid affecting the roll of the balls and you can readily see the weave of our cloth.When installing SIMONIS™ cloth, be sure to put the MARKED SIDE UP. This smooth side has printing on the edge with the grade, i.e. SIMONIS 860, 760 or 300. This is the playing surface of the cloth. (The back of the cloth is not sheared as fine and is slightly fuzzy)